Press releases

Bankers Day 2018: Shaping the future, creating scope for developmen

BaselSeptember 13, 2018  This year’s Bankers Day was held under the motto “Shaping the future, creating scope for development”. New financial technologies offer a broad range of opportunities and advantages for banks and customers. The banks are expanding their service offerings and are adjusting to rapidly transforming customer needs. As part of this process, the financial centre is combining its strengths such as quality, reliability and stability with innovative solutions.

Digitalisation is changing financial services rapidly. In parallel, international competition has intensified significantly for the Swiss financial centre. To be successful in this environment, conditions are required in Switzerland that provide the sector with scope for entrepreneurial freedom. This is why the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) advocates resolutely for competitive framework conditions and open markets.

Readiness to reach consensus and a dialogue as equals

In his speech, Herbert Scheidt, Chairman of the SBA, emphasised the umbrella association’s important role of bundling different concerns into joint positions and speaking with a strong voice: “The role of an umbrella organisation is more important than ever in times of fragmentation and disintegration”, underscored Scheidt, adding: “Because those who emerge as victors will be the ones who succeed in creating and demonstrating unity – be it as a nation or an economy.” He said that this places considerable demands on the sector and the authorities in terms of readiness to reach consensus. One of the keys to success according to the Chairman is a genuine and collaborative dialogue. The pursuit of individual interests, in contrast, does not create scope for development, but instead results in an incapability to take action in the medium to long term.

Scheidt pointed to the sector’s significant expertise in assessing the effectiveness and costs of new regulations as well as their impact on the competitiveness of the financial centre. He said that it is key that the sector be involved in regulatory projects early on and consistently. “As a sector, we want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. And as part of the solution, we have a lot to contribute”. He called on the authorities to open the doors for a constructive dialogue as equals. Scheidt spoke of the small bank regime for banks in categories 4 and 5 as a positive example of an area where collaboration is already taking place with FINMA. Sixty-seven banks are currently participating in this important pilot project for regulatory relaxations for small and medium-sized banks.

Promotional video “We are shaping the future”

The new promotional video “We are shaping the future” was premiered at Bankers Day. The video features young, innovative people who are shaping the financial services of tomorrow with an entrepreneurial spirit. New financial technologies enable banks to better meet the changing needs of their customers. In applying these, the banks are building on their proven strengths: quality, reliability and trust. The video can be viewed on the website of the SBA and will be shown at a variety of events and as part of communication activities.

Elections to the Board of Directors

In the back, from left to right: Dr. Patrik Gisel, Urs Rohner, Blaise Goetschin, Jacques de Saussure, Pascal Kiener, Yves Mirabaud, Dr. Marcel Rohner Prof., Dr. Urs Müller; in the middle, from left to right: Marianne Wildi, Dr. Jürg Gutzwiller, Jean Berthoud, Herbert J. Scheidt, Roland Ledergerber; in the front right: Bernhard Hodler, Kristine Braden, Adrian Nösberger; missing: Prof. Dr. Axel A. Weber, Boris FJ Collardi, Dr. Heinrich Henckel, Martin Scholl

The following individuals were elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting:

  • Boris F.J. Collardi, Managing Partner, Banque Pictet & Cie SA, as the representative of the Association of Swiss Private Banks (ASPB)
  • Bernhard Hodler, CEO Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., as the representative of the Association of Swiss Asset and Wealth Management Banks (VAV)
  • Adrian Nösberger, CEO Schroder & Co Bank AG, as the representative of the Association of Foreign Banks in Switzerland (AFBS)
  • Marcel Rohner, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA, and Chairman of the VAV, as the representative of the VAV
  • Marianne Wildi, CEO of Hypothekarbank Lenzburg AG, as the representative of the Association of Swiss Regional Banks (VSRB)

Boris F.J. Collardi and Marcel Rohner are also members of the Committee of the Board of Directors.

Swiss Bankers Day

Bankers Day is the Annual General Meeting of the SBA and is one of the highlights of the Swiss banking year. In addition to a speech by Herbert J. Scheidt, Chairman of the SBA, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, Head of the Federal Department of Finance, and Nathalie Fontanet, Cantonal Councillor of Geneva, delivered a welcome address in the name of the Federal Council and the canton of Geneva. This was followed by a speech by Professor Patrick Aebischer, former president of the EPFL, as an out of the box speaker on the topic “Shaping the future”. Further to this, under the title “Scope for entrepreneurial freedom”, a high-calibre panel discussed the questions of how the changes arising through digitalisation can be used as an opportunity and what makes for successful entrepreneurship in different industries. Around 350 guests were in attendance.

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