Press releases

Anita Diensthuber to become SBA’s Head of Operations & Services

  • The Board of Directors of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) has unanimously elected Anita Diensthuber to lead the newly created Operations & Services division. She will thus also become a member of the Executive Board.
  • Ms Diensthuber has been in charge of the Board of Directors & CEO staff unit since 2020.
  • She will take up her new role on 1 February 2024.

Anita Diensthuber will take charge of the SBA’s new Operations & Services division and become a member of the Association’s Executive Board on 1 February 2024. The Board of Directors elected her unanimously.

Ms Diensthuber has worked in the banking industry for over 20 years, including stints at Vontobel and Zuger Kantonalbank. She has a track record in a wide range of sales, project management and staff functions.

“I am delighted that we have been able to fill this position from within our own ranks. Anita Diensthuber has practical experience of our members’ concerns, a deep understanding of the financial centre, and an impressively structured approach.”

Roman Studer, CEO of the SBA

The new Operations & Services division comprises both the Management & Membership Services and Operations departments, the latter including IT, Finance and Education & Academy.

Anita Diensthuber is 39 years old. She has a degree in German studies and history from the University of Zurich and a doctorate in linguistics. She is a citizen of Zug, where she lives together with her partner. 

Economic affairs

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